اللهم لك الحمد ملء السماوات والأرض وملء ما بينهما وملء ما شئت من شيء بعد ، اللهم أعطيت ومننت
فلك الحمد ،
اللهم أجزلت العطاء وأنعمت وسترت
فلك الحمد
اللــهم هديت ووفقت
فلك الحمد
اللهم لك ما أعطيت ولك ما أخذت ولك ما أبقيت
فلك الحمد
اللهم أوزعنا أن نشكر نعمتك عليناونقر بها لك
فلك الحمد
اللهم الهمنا الشكر على النعم وقبولها والثناء بها عليك
فلك الحمد
اللهم ما أعطيتنا فاجعله قربةً لنــا عندك وسبيلاً لرضاك
فلك الحمد
وما زويت عنا فأجعلنا لحكمك راضين وقابلين
فلك الحمد
اللهم لك الحمد والثناء بجميع المحامد ، لا نحصي ثناءً عليك أنت سبحانك كما اثنيت على نفسك
فلك الحمد
عز جارك وتبارك أسمك وتعالى جدك
فلك الحمد
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Posting from Hong Kong
After two weeks the visit to China is coming to an end!
Started on 8th from Riyadh going to Hong Kong . Arriving 13.00 9th april , from Hong kong we get the flight to Beijing in china same day arriving 19.00 p.m.
The MDF project : it is a pitty to find out the chinese quality of the machinery requird are very low quality. So we spent two nights for nothing! as the factory (or workshop) was in xingtai near boading north of china 4 hours from Bejing.
We then moved by car to Tianjing , a drive of about 1.5 hourse took 3.5 houres? donot ast that is it ! CHINA
Pulanna: A very nice clean company, the GM is very difficult to deal with , after 3 hours discussion he approved our visit to the workshop, Really very good clean nice place with hard work and strict in everything . seems not china !!!!!
We then have to fly to Guangzhou!! the fair and other things
We have been to GZ on 12th and the furniture work starts , beside waiting for the fair!
The fair : was not to the expectations, as usual, just shafling business cards .
after manytimes from Foshan and nearby cities , we are near to finish late night of 21st, April
Now all were left back and we are towards Saudi Arabia @Riyadh@ then HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME
Started on 8th from Riyadh going to Hong Kong . Arriving 13.00 9th april , from Hong kong we get the flight to Beijing in china same day arriving 19.00 p.m.
The MDF project : it is a pitty to find out the chinese quality of the machinery requird are very low quality. So we spent two nights for nothing! as the factory (or workshop) was in xingtai near boading north of china 4 hours from Bejing.
We then moved by car to Tianjing , a drive of about 1.5 hourse took 3.5 houres? donot ast that is it ! CHINA
Pulanna: A very nice clean company, the GM is very difficult to deal with , after 3 hours discussion he approved our visit to the workshop, Really very good clean nice place with hard work and strict in everything . seems not china !!!!!
We then have to fly to Guangzhou!! the fair and other things
We have been to GZ on 12th and the furniture work starts , beside waiting for the fair!
The fair : was not to the expectations, as usual, just shafling business cards .
after manytimes from Foshan and nearby cities , we are near to finish late night of 21st, April
Now all were left back and we are towards Saudi Arabia @Riyadh@ then HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME
Monday, April 16, 2007
من الصين
اللهم يا من تجود بالنعم ، وتعطي بغير حساب أسألك اللهم أن تيسر أمورنا وتقضى لنــا حوائجنا ، وأن تجنبنا الفواحش ما ظهر منها وما بطن ، اللهم أحفظ لنا ما أستودعناك ، وأدم علينــا نعمك وفضلك ، وهون علينا ما صعب علينا وسهل كل عسير ، اللهم لك الحمد حتى ترضى ولك الحمد إذا رضيت ولك الحمد بعــد الرضا . اللهم لك الحمد كما ينبغي لجلال وجهك وعظيم سلطانك ، اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Thursday, April 5, 2007
My Visit to China April 2007
I'll start my visit to china on the 8th of April 2007
Starting from Riyadh Saudi Arabia to Hong Kong 23.10 arriving on 9th April 13.00 then to Beijing 16.45 arriving 20.00
Next day we start our work, then night back again. 10th night we'll driving to Tianjin and spend the night and morning of 11th!
Then either to Guangzhou from Tianjin or to Qingdao or to Nanjing! that will be fixed on our finish of contacts
اللهم يسر لنــا سفرنا هذا وأطوى عنا بعده ووفقنا لما تحب وترضى
Sunday, April 1, 2007
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