Thursday, June 10, 2021

Pulse النبض ما أعظم خلق الله


Think about it...
when you're sitting still and not breathing...what is the only thing in your body that's palpably moving?
 Every second, your body gives you a little sign to prove that it's still there.
A pulse.
It is billions of cells beating for billions of times in a lifetime, never pausing to rest.
Behind that beat is an unbelievably vast system whose one and only job is to make sure every cell in your body stays alive.
- The speed, the strength, the frequency, the rhythm...it tells us so much.
- A heart that thumps...blood that flows through thousands of miles of arteries and veins...
All so we can attempt the crazy feats that make humans...unique.
Human life depends on one substance above all others...Oxygen.
We can go about three weeks without food, three days without water.
But without oxygen, we wouldn't last three minutes.
But why? Well, if you think about it, each of us is just a huge pile of cells, somewhere around 37 trillion.
Blood cells, skin cells, brain cells. And every single one of those cells contains an engine that runs on oxygen.
Think of it like a fire that's always burning. Oxygen is the wood or coal.
And to keep the fire stoked, all we have to do is breathe in.
But getting a supply of oxygen is the easy part.
Once it's inside the body, all that fuel has to somehow find its way into those 37 trillion engines.
And that requires a system that never rests. (الله أكبر تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين)
- The cardiovascular and circulatory systems represent our major engine in our bodies.
Now, this is to make sure that all of our cells have oxygen going in, carbon dioxide leaving, plenty of nutrients, and essentially keeps us going.
- The body itself is pretty small, but the network of vessels is enormous.
The vessels themselves laid end-to-end would be about 100,000 miles long, which would encircle the globe probably four times.
- This vast network of pumps, valves, and tunnels delivers oxygen to cells in every corner of your body, without you ever having to think about it.
And what's more insane than that is we can train this system to work even more efficiently. Especially when oxygen is harder to come by.

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