Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Last visit to MAKKAH

With a very simple comparison between the two pictures of AL KA'BA here and on old post during hajj or ramdhan you can find out the difference in our last trip on march 13th, 2007 and the Hajj"Pilgrimage" time and that during last Ramadhan .
It was the first time we go with a group without our car! It was a big bus, having more than 55 persons!!!!
We started from Buraydah 15.30, but sure the bus start driving on 14.45 >>> oooh the first thing in the first trial ! No again we stopped after 50 minutes the bus got a little problem !!!!!!!!!!!! So, luckly it was solved the driver is a professional mechanic!!!
So, we have to stop in Unayzah for one family will join us , a doctor with her son ! then again! no! we have to stop in Al Baday'eea for another saudi family will join !
Lastely we'll start towards our aim!
on 03.00 a.m we arrive to AL Sayl Meqat for our Ehram! we finished and hurry to catch the fajr prayers . Thank God we are in Makkah before Fajr and we even have enough time to start our tawwaf !
Fajr is going to be 05.13 a.m we finished our tawaf and went to zamzamm then to the s'aee! the first before we finshed our second round to al marwa'a the fajr call ! after fajr pryers we continued and finished our omra.
It was really very easy one and not too much people like in Ramdah or Hajj!
look to the picture to find out
then after Juma'a prayers we started back to our home, we started driving 14.45 and arrived same way same things till we were home 02.40 a.m saturday morning!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
وتمضي الأيام 17 و 18 مارس قريب

في مثل هذه الأيام من العام الماضي كنت أجهز نفسي للسفر للقاهرة لقضاء إجازة لمدة قصيرة وإنهاء بعض الأمور الهامة ، وفي هذا العام وقريباً من نفس التوقيت أغير الإتجاه وأرتب للسفر لأفضل بقاع الأرض مكة المكرمــة زادها اللــــــه شرفاً وعزا . تغيرت أمور وتحسنت أحوال وساءت أخري . بنينا علاقات وأقتربنا من هدم أخري ، وولد خلق كثير ، ورفرف الفرح بيوتنا وبيوت الكثيرين ، وفي بيوت أخرى غيم الحزن , زادنا اللــه من فضله ولم يحرمنــا ، وهناك من حرمهم اللــه كثيراً من النعم ، تغيرت أحوال كثير ، ومات البعض حقيقاً أو معنى ، وبقى أخرون يرفلون بثوب الصحه والفضل
فاللــه أسأل أن يديم علينا فضله . وهذه مجرد خواطر أردت أن أكتبها في هذه المدونه لعلى في يوم أراها! فإما أضحك أو الآخرى . واللــه المستعان
Thursday, March 8, 2007
A big Thanks for Google and blogger team
Just two days ago I found that my blog has beem blocked and marked as spam blog, with a link to contact blogger team for reviewing my blog >
I did that immediately and got a very nice message of apology that it's regular checking of the bloges and my blog will be active again in max two working days!
Really I was not expecting two days as my blog in arabic language; although I'm an english speaking person!. But within less than one working day I got the message from the blogger team that my blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so that
it will no longer appear as potential spam .
I really feel happy not for the coming back of the blog, but for the very fast and professional way the blogger team did it!
From a novic in blogging thanks gooooooooogle
I did that immediately and got a very nice message of apology that it's regular checking of the bloges and my blog will be active again in max two working days!
Really I was not expecting two days as my blog in arabic language; although I'm an english speaking person!. But within less than one working day I got the message from the blogger team that my blog has been reviewed, verified, and cleared for regular use so that
it will no longer appear as potential spam .
I really feel happy not for the coming back of the blog, but for the very fast and professional way the blogger team did it!
From a novic in blogging thanks gooooooooogle
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