Wednesday, December 8, 2021

عجيب أمر شركات اللقاحات! اللقاح فعال لمتحور أوميكرون ، بعدها بكام سطر مش أكيد فاعليته بعدها بكام سطر ممكن عمل لقاح جديد خاص للمتحور في خلال 6 أسابيع! أيهم الصحيح


Pfizer says booster dose of vaccine protects against omicron variant

A booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine appears to provide strong protection against the omicron variant, the companies announced Wednesday.

أعلنت شركة فايزر يوم الأربعاء أن الجرعة المعززة من لقاحها بايو إن تيك كوفيد-19 يوفر حماية قوية لمتحور أوميكرون

They said a third dose of their vaccine provides a similar level of neutralizing antibodies to omicron, comparable to two doses against the original coronavirus and other variants that have emerged.

Blood samples from those who received only the primary series of the vaccine, on average, did see a 25-fold drop in antibodies against the new variant, indicating that two doses of the vaccine may not be sufficient to protect against infection with omicron.
عينات الدم التي تم أخذها من الأشخاص الذين حصلوا على اللقاح بالسلسلة الأولى له ، أظهرت أنخفاضاً في الأجسام المضادة 25 ضعفاً للمتحور الجديد ، مما يشير إلى أن الجرعتين من اللقاح قد لا تكون كافية للحماية  والوقاية من الأصابة بمتحور أوميكرون

As the highly mutated omicron variant, first identified in South Africa, spreads around the globe, scientists are racing to determine what whether the available vaccines will work against it.

The companies said the results are preliminary. The findings were detailed in a press release, and the full data have not yet been made available for other scientists to scrutinize.

But lab studies are only one piece of the puzzle.
Other data are also needed to determine whether a new vaccine is needed. Scientists need to understand transmissible the omicron variant is (early indications suggest it's more contagious than the delta variant) as well as how sick it makes people (early data suggests the illness caused by the variant is milder).
المعلومات الأخرى سوف تحدد هل نحتاج  لقاح جديد

The results from Pfizer-BioNTech are the first announced by vaccine makers. Tuesday, a South Africa research institute also released lab results on how the Pfizer vaccine fared against omicron, showing about a fortyfold reduction in vaccine-induced antibodies that could neutralize the new variant. That study didn't look at booster shots, however.

Pfizer-BioNTech has previously said it could develop a variant-specific vaccine within six weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days.
وسبق أن أعلنت شركة فايزر أنها قد تقوم بتطوير لقاح محدد للمتحور خلال ستة أسابيع وتقوم بتوريد دفعات أولية خلال 100 يوم

Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are expected to release lab results from the omicron variant in the coming days. Academic research institutions are also looking into how well the vaccine works against omicron.

Monday, December 6, 2021



What We Know about Omicron

Infection and Spread

  • How easily does Omicron spread? The Omicron variant likely will spread more easily than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and how easily Omicron spreads compared to Delta remains unknown. CDC expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms.
  • من المحتمل أن ينتشر متحور اوميكرون بسهولة أكبر من فيروس كوفيد-19 الأصلي وبالنسبة لمدى سهولة أنتشار أوميكرون مقارنة ب متحور دلتا، لازال غير معروف للعلماء، ويتوقع مركز التحكم والسيطرة على الأمراض أن آي شخص مصاب بعدوى اوميكرون يمكن أن ينشر الفيروس للأخرين حتى لمن حصل على التطعيمين أو من لا يظهر عليه أعراض

  • Will Omicron cause more severe illness? More data are needed to know if Omicron infections, and especially reinfections and breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated, cause more severe illness or death than infection with other variants.
  • هناك حاجة للمزيدمن المعلومات والبيانات لمعرفة ما إذا كانت عدوى أميكرون العدوى والإصابات في الأشخاص الذين تم تطعيمهم تسبب مرضاً شديداً أو وفاة بطريقة أكبر من المتحورات السابقة
  • Will vaccines work against Omicron? Current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant. However, breakthrough infections in people who are fully vaccinated are likely to occur. With other variants, like Delta, vaccines have remained effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. The recent emergence of Omicron further emphasizes the importance of vaccination and boosters.
  • Will treatments work against Omicron? Scientists are working to determine how well existing treatments for COVID-19 work. Based on the changed genetic make-up of Omicron, some treatments are likely to remain effective while others may be less effective.
  • هل ستكون العلاجات واللقاحات الحالية فعالة مع متحور أميكرون؟
  • مازال العلماء يعملون على تحديد مدى نجاح العلاجات الحالية ل كوفيد-19 بناءً على التركيب الجيني المتغير لاوميكرون ، ومن المرجح أن تظل بعض تلك العلاجات فعالة بينما قد يكون البعض الآخر أقل فاعلية. ومن عندي أول لا فاعليه لها على الإطلاق

We have the Tools to Fight Omicron

Vaccines remain the best public health measure to protect people from COVID-19, slow transmission, and reduce the likelihood of new variants emerging. COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Scientists are currently investigating Omicron, including how protected fully vaccinated people will be against infection, hospitalization, and death. CDC recommends that everyone 5 years and older protect themselves from COVID-19 by getting fully vaccinated. CDC recommends that everyone ages 18 years and older should get a booster shot at least two months after their initial J&J/Janssen vaccine or six months after completing their primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.

Masks offer protection against all variants. CDC continues to recommend wearing a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high community transmission, regardless of vaccination status. CDC provides advice about masks for people who want to learn more about what type of mask is right for them depending on their circumstances.

Tests can tell you if you are currently infected with COVID-19. Two types of tests are used to test for current infection: nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and antigen tests. NAAT and antigen tests can only tell you if you have a current infection. Individuals can use the COVID-19 Viral Testing Tool to help determine what kind of test to seek. Additional tests would be needed to determine if your infection was caused by Omicron. Visit your state, tribal, local, or territorial health department’s website to look for the latest local information on testing.

Self-tests can be used at home or anywhere, are easy to use, and produce rapid results. If your self-test has a positive result, stay home or isolate for 10 days, wear a mask if you have contact with others, and call your healthcare provider. If you have any questions about your self-test result, call your healthcare provider or public health department.

Until we know more about the risk of Omicron, it is important to use all tools available to protect yourself and others.

What CDC is Doing to Learn about Omicron

Virus Characteristics

CDC scientists are working with partners to gather data and virus samples that can be studied to answer important questions about the Omicron variant. Scientific experiments have already started. CDC will provide updates as soon as possible.

Variant Surveillance

In the United States, CDC uses genomic surveillance to track variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 to more quickly identify and act upon these findings to best protect the public’s health. CDC established multiple ways to connect and share genomic sequence data being produced by CDC, public health laboratories, and commercial diagnostic laboratories within publicly accessible databases maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Informationexternal icon (NCBI) and the Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Dataexternal icon (GISAID). CDC’s national genomic surveillance can detect a variant that is circulating at 0.1% frequency with 99% statistical confidence.


Friday, October 8, 2021

Pfizer's COVID-19 immunity protection diminishes after 2 months المناعة تتضائل إلى 20% بعد 4 شهور حتى بعد جرعتين من لقاح فايزر


Pfizer's COVID-19 immunity protection diminishes after 2 months, and it can reach as low as 20% after 4 months: studies

  • Two recent studies found that Pfizer's immunity protection diminishes rapidly a few months after a person has their second dose.

  • بعد القيام بدراستين حديثتين وجد أن الحماية المناعية للقاح فايزر تتضائل سريعاً في أشهر قليلة للأفراد الذين حصلوا على الجرعة الثانية

  • However, one study noted that the vaccine's protection against death and hospitalization still remained as high as 96%.

  • بالرغم من ذلك فإن أحد الدراستين أشارت أن حماية اللقاح ضد الوفاة أو دخول المشفى مازالت مرتفة إلى 96% تقريبا

  • The studies affirm Pfizer's earlier comments that its vaccines may not defend against COVID-19 infection as effectively over time.

  • الدراسات أكدت تعقيبات فايزر السابقة أن لقاحهم ربما لا يحمي من عدوى كوفيد-19 بفاعلية مع مرور الوقت

COVID-19 immunity protection from two doses of the Pfizer vaccine starts dwindling after about two month, still, the shots remain effective in guarding against hospitalization and death, according to a pair of studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday.

The new findings affirm what Pfizer, Moderna, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have indicated in recent weeks - that the vaccines' ability to protect the body from coronavirus infection may wane over time. Last month, the Food and Drug Administration authorized Pfizer booster shots for older or more vulnerable people.

In the first study, researchers from Qatar found that Pfizer's immunity protection drops to as low as 20% just four months after a person receives their second dose. They based their report on observations of infections among Qatar's over 900,000 vaccinated people.

The researchers found that Pfizer's protection against infection was "negligible" shortly after the first dose, but jumps to 36.8% three weeks later. When people receive their second dose, immunity protection increases to 77.5% after about a month.

But once that month is over, Pfizer's immunity effectiveness declines steadily, hovering at around 20% after the four-month mark, per the researchers.

"These findings suggest that a large proportion of the vaccinated population could lose its protection against infection in the coming months, perhaps increasing the potential for new epidemic waves," wrote the report.

Still, Pfizer's protection against hospitalization and death remained "robust" at 90% or higher for six months after the second dose, it said. The report also noted that its findings may not apply well to countries with older populations, since Qatar's population is relatively young with only 9% of its people being 50 or older.

The other study, conducted in Israel, looked at 4,868 healthcare workers. It reported that people have substantially decreased COVID-19 antibodies just six months after receiving their second dose of Pfizer's vaccine.

The drop is especially prominent among men, the elderly above 65, and those with weakened immune systems.

In comparison, vaccines for other conditions such as mumps, measles, and rubella only show small decreases of about 5% to 10% each year in neutralizing antibody levels, wrote the researchers.

They also noted that they observed higher antibody counts in obese participants who have a body mass index of 30 or above.

"Yet, it is still unclear whether vaccinated obese persons are at higher or lower risk for breakthrough infection and whether the relatively high humoral response to the vaccine is protective," the report stated.

خلاصة ما سبق وكل ما يدور منذ عامين أن اللقاح ليس فعالاً طول العمر ولا حتى لسنوات بل وجد أنه حتى من تعاطى الجرعة المحفزة كما يسمونها أو المنشطة أيضاً تتلاشى فاعليتها بعد فترة آي أن كل من أخذ الجرعتين بعد 6 أشهر من الجرعة الثانية وقد يكون بعد 120 يوم فقط تقل المناعة لديه وسيستمر هذا الأمر والسؤال هل سيصبح مثل لقاح الأنفلونزا (الرباعي الآن) أم ماذا؟ كذلك بدأت تجارب كبسولات تعطى لمن أصيب بالمرض في الأيام الأولى (لا يزيد عن 5 أيام) وهي تمنع أنتشار وتكاثر المرض لديه عن طريق تبديل معين يؤدي إلى إعطاء إشارات خاطئة للفايرس عند تكوين مزيد منه فلا يتكاثر ومازال الأمر تحت البحث (ملحوظة أخيرة كل ما أكتبه هنا هو من مواقع طبية ونشرات ومجلات يتم نشرها أو مرئيات ومناقشات أستمع إليها) يعني من الآخر أنا لست طبيباً ولكني أحب القراءة

Thursday, September 23, 2021

مع أقتراب موعد مصل (لقاح الأنفلونزا) قد تم تعديل وترقية اللقاح ليصبح رباعي وهذه معلومات أولية عن اللقاح ولكن للأسف لأمريكا ولكن المعلومات تفيد الجميع


Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine

Brand names: AFLURIA Quadrivalent, Fluarix Quadrivalent, FluLaval Quadrivalent, Flucelvax Quadrivalent and Fluzone Quadrivalent, FluMist Quadrivalent

ما هو لقاح الانفلونزا الرباعي؟
تم تصميم لقاح الإنفلونزا رباعي التكافؤ للحماية من أربعة فيروسات مختلفة للإنفلونزا ، بما في ذلك اثنان من فيروسات الإنفلونزا النوعية إيه واثنان من فيروسات الإنفلونزا النوعية بي.

What is quadrivalent flu vaccine?

A quadrivalent influenza (flu) vaccine is designed to protect against four different flu viruses, including two influenza A viruses and two influenza B viruses.

Why was quadrivalent flu vaccine developed?
لماذا تم تطوير لقاح الأنفلونزا الرباعي

For many years, flu vaccines were designed to protect against three different flu viruses: an influenza A(H1N1) virus, an influenza A(H3N2) virus and one influenza B virus, even though there are two different lineages of B viruses that circulate during most seasons. Adding a B virus from the second lineage was done to give broader protection against circulating flu viruses.
Who can get quadrivalent flu vaccine?
من يمكن أن يأخذ لقاح الأنفلونزا رباعي التكافؤ؟

All flu vaccines in the United States for the 2021-2022 season are quadrivalent vaccines. Different vaccines are approved for different age groups. There is a quadrivalent flu shot that can be given to children as young as 6 months old. Flucelvax Quadrivalent is now approved for people 2 years and older. More information on approved flu vaccines for the 2020-2021 flu season, and age indications for each vaccine are available in CDC’s

الأشخاص العاديين من سن عامين إلى 49 سنة والمرأة غير الحامل يمكن أن تأخذ المصل بخاخ الأنف ولكن الأشخاص الذين يعانون من حالات مرضية معينة يجب أن لا يتعاطو اللقاح بخاخ الأنف

The quadrivalent nasal spray vaccine is approved for use in non-pregnant individuals, 2 years through 49 years old. People with certain medical conditions should not receive the nasal spray influenza vaccine.
Who shouldn’t get quadrivalent flu vaccine?
من الذي يجب أن لا يأخذ لقاح الأنفلونزا ؟

Different influenza (flu) vaccines are approved for use in people in different age groups. In addition, some vaccines are not recommended for certain groups of people. Factors that can determine a person’s suitability for vaccination, or vaccination with a particular vaccine, include a person’s age, health (current and past) and any allergies to flu vaccine or its components.

People who SHOULD NOT get a flu shot include:
Children younger than 6 months of age are too young to get a flu shot.
People with severe, life-threatening allergies to any ingredient in a flu vaccine (other than egg proteins) should not get that vaccine. This might include gelatin, antibiotics, or other ingredients.
People who have had a severe allergic reaction to a dose of influenza vaccine should not get that flu vaccine again and might not be able to receive other influenza vaccines. If you have had a severe allergic reaction to an influenza vaccine in the past, it is important to talk with your health care provider to help determine whether vaccination is appropriate for you.
Are any of the available flu vaccines recommended over the others?
هل يوجد لقاح يوصى به خير من أخر؟ بالطبع لا ولكن يوجد لقاح لا يصلح لأشخاص معينين بسبب حالات حساسية أو أمراض لديهم فيأخذ بديل مثل من لديهم حساسية من البيض

For the 2021-2022 flu season, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends annual influenza (flu) vaccination for everyone 6 months and older with any licensed, influenza vaccine that is appropriate for the recipient’s age and health status, including inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4), recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV4), or live attenuated nasal spray influenza vaccine (LAIV4) with no preference expressed for any one vaccine over another.

There are many vaccine options to choose from, but the most important thing is for all people 6 months and older to get a flu vaccine every year. If you have questions about which vaccine is best for you, talk to your doctor or other health care professional.
Are quadrivalent flu vaccines safe?
هل لقاح الأنفلونزا الرباعي آمن؟
بالتأكيد هو آمن مع الغالبية ولا يسبب الأنفلونزا لأن الفيروسات المستخدمه فيه ميته أو ضعيفة أو مصنعة بطريقة لا تتضمن فيروس الأنفلونزا

Yes. Flu vaccines that protect against four flu viruses have a safety profile similar to seasonal flu vaccines made to protect against three viruses, with similar—mostly mild—side effects. Like all seasonal flu vaccines, vaccines that protect against four flu viruses are monitored annually for their safety and effectiveness.

Quadrivalent vaccine cannot cause flu illness because they contain ‘inactivated’ (killed) virus, attenuated (weakened) virus, or are made using recombinant methods that don’t use flu virus in the manufacturing process.

Special Consideration Regarding Egg Allergy
من لديهم حساسية من البيض لابد أن يؤخذ ذلك في الأعتبار ويوجد أمصال تصلح لهم ولا تسبب آي حساسية

People with egg allergies can receive any licensed, recommended age-appropriate influenza vaccine (IIV4, RIV4, or LAIV4) that is otherwise appropriate. People who have a history of severe egg allergy (those who have had any symptom other than hives after exposure to egg) should be vaccinated in a medical setting, supervised by a health care provider who is able to recognize and manage severe allergic reactions. Two completely egg-free (ovalbumin-free) flu vaccine options are available: quadrivalent recombinant vaccine and quadrivalent cell-based vaccine.



عندما تقرأ تتعلم وتفهم وعندما تتعلم وتفهم يمكن أن تتكلم

When you read you learn and understand, and when you learn and understand YOU CAN TALK

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

الله المستعان ، الجرعة المحفزة أو المنشطة أو الجرعة الثالثة! آي كان الأسم أصبحت ضرورة ثم الآن التركيز على فايزر جرعة تنشيطية أو مودرنا نصف جرعة! ولا كلام على إسترازنكا

مع قدوم فصل الخريف والشتاء يتسابق العالم في محاولات مواجهة الأنفلونزا الموسمية التي يؤخذ لها لقاح والجرعة المنشطة أو الثالثة

(وليست الأخيرة) لكوفيد 19 ونحن في الموجة (التحور الرابع مو)

اللافت للنظر أن الجميع يأخذ إسرائيل التي تعتبر من أفضل دول العالم في موضوع اللقاح للمواطنين نموذجا يحتذى به حيث التجارب والإرشادات والملاحظات تخرج منها أولاً بل أمريكا تأخذ بقولهم!! والله المستعان ، ثم الملاحظة الثانية أنه تم الأعتراف رسمياً بأن اللقاح تقل فاعليته وقد تنعدم بعد ستة أشهر ، الملاحظة الثالثة هي أن الجرعة الثالثة أو ما يسمى بالتنشيطية تأخذ بالإعتبار أخطاء ونتائج العامين الماضيين ، فالجميع يحاول أن تكون الجرعة من فايزر كاملة أو نصف جرعة من موديرنا (لأن الأعراض للنصف الجرعة أقل) والأبتعاد عن أن تكون الجرعة المنشطة من أسترازنكا والملاحظة الأخيرة هي الجميع يخزن الللقاحات طبعا الدول الغنية ولا يلتفت إلى الدول الفقيرة! والله المستعان كذلك لا كلام على لقاحات الصين وغيرها من اللقاحات التي تكاد تكون معروفة إلا في

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9988825/Booster-vaccines-50s.html بعض الدول العربية هذا من مقال في الديلي ميل البريطانية

Government's vaccine advisory panel has recommended third doses be dished out to some 30million people
Plans approved on the back of real-world data in Israel and elsewhere suggesting immunity wanes in months
Britons who are eligible will be given Pfizer's vaccine or a half-dose of the Moderna vaccine

The Government’s vaccine advisory panel recommended a third dose for roughly 30million people aged 50 and over who received their second injection at least six months ago.

Members of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) approved the plans on the back of growing real-world data in Israel and elsewhere, as well as a major British study, which suggested vaccine-induced immunity wanes within months.

Britons who are eligible will be given the Pfizer vaccine in the first instance, no matter which jab they were originally immunised with. When there are supply constraints, the Moderna vaccine will be offered as a booster in the form of a half dose.

Officials said there was more evidence that the mRNA vaccines were safe and effective when given as a third dose, which is why they are not recommending AstraZeneca's.

Moderna's is being recommended as a half dose because the lower dosage is associated with fewer side effects and still produces a strong immune response, the JCVI said.

People who are invited for their booster Covid vaccine will be able to get their flu jab at the same time, in the opposite arm.

Professor Wei Shen Lim, of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, said the recommendation of at least a six-month gap between the second jab and a booster shot was an attempt to find an immunity 'sweet spot'.

'We want to suggest a six-month limit as a lower limit because we don’t want people to feel they need to rush to have this booster dose,' he told a Downing Street press conference.

'Getting a booster dose too early might mean getting a dose when they don’t actually need to have vaccination because they still have a high level of protection.

'And, as we have seen with the first and second dose, it may be that a longer interval to the third booster dose may actually be beneficial in the longer term.

'On the other hand, we don’t want to wait too long before offering a booster dose, so trying to find a sweet spot between going too soon and going too late we are suggesting that the booster dose is given no earlier than six months after the second dose.'

Professor Lim said it was preferable for people to get an mRNA vaccine as a booster — such as those made by Pfizer and Moderna — because there was more evidence compared to the AstraZeneca jabs that these are safe and effective.

He told the briefing: 'The AstraZeneca vaccine obviously is a very good vaccine for its primary cause.

'We’ve seen data that suggests that the mRNA vaccines given, whatever the primary cause for the vaccination is, gives a very good boost.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم

 اللهم شفع نبينا محمد صلى الله  عليه وسلم فينا يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون

Sunday, August 29, 2021

كل فترة يظهر شئ جديد فايزر مشاكل بالقلب استرازنكا تجلطات بالدم موديرنا عضلة القلب والآن في اليابان إيقاف مودرنا أحترازياً لوفاة شخصين بعد الجرعة الثانية!


Two die in Japan after shots from

 suspended Moderna vaccines

 - Japan govt

TOKYO, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Two people died after receiving Moderna COVID-19 vaccine shots that were among lots later suspended following the discovery of contaminants, Japan's health ministry said on Saturday.

The men in their 30s died this month within days of receiving their second Moderna doses, the ministry said in a release. Each had a shot from one of three manufacturing lots suspended on Thursday. The cause of the deaths is still being investigated.

Japan halted the use of 1.63 million Moderna doses https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-withdraws-16-mln-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-doses-over-contamination-nikkei-2021-08-25 shipped to 863 vaccination centres nationwide, more than a week after the domestic distributor, Takeda Pharmaceutical, received reports of contaminants in some vials.

The government and Moderna had said no safety or efficacy issues had been identified and the suspension was just a precaution.

The contaminant is believed to be metallic particles, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported, citing health ministry sources.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

يا من يَرَى ما في الضميرِ ويسمعُ السهلي

يا من يرَى ما في الضميرِ ويسمعُ ... أنتَ المعَدُّ لكلِّ ما يُتوقَعُ
يا مَن يُرجَّى للشدائدِ كلِّها ... يا مَنْ إليه المُشتَكَى والمَفْزَعُ
يا مَن خزائنُ مُلكِهِ في قولِ كُنْ ... أُمنُنْ فإنَّ الخيرَ عندَكَ أجمعُ
ما لي سِوَى فَقْرِي إليكَ وسيلةٌ ... فبالافتِقَارِ إليكَ فَقْرِيَ أَدْفَعُ
ما لي سِوَى قَرْعِي لبابِك حيلةٌ ... فلئِن رُددتُ فأيَّ بابٍ أقرعُ
ومن الذي أدُعو وأهتفُ باسمِهِ ... إن كانَ فضلُكَ عن فقيرٍ يُمنعُ؟!
حاشَا لمجدِك أن تُقنِّط عاصيًا ... فالفَضْلُ أجزلُ والمواهبُ أوسعُ

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

خطوة خطوة للجرعة الثالثة ثم الرابعة ثم كل كام شهر أم كل سنة

الجميع ممن يتابع موضوع كورونا والتطعيمات قد يلاحظ أننا نؤخذ خطوة خطوة لشئ ما! الأول التطعيم مرتين ثم جرعة ثالثة للجهاز الطبي والعاملين فية وكبار السن ثم جرعة ثالثة لمن المناعة لديهم ضعيفة ثم لمن هم ضعيفة أو متوسطة؟؟؟ ثم نكتشف من فترة أن فاعلية التطعيم غير معروف مدة فاعليتها تتناقص بعد ثلاثة إلى ستة أشهر لتصبح 81% تقريباً ثم ماذا بعد ستة أشهر أخرى؟؟؟ شركات الأدوية خاصة الخاصة باللقاحات كسبت مليارات من هذا الأمر و المتخصصون مازال الكثير منهم يعترف أنه لا يعرف مدى صلاحية وفاعلية أغلب اللقاحات ومع هذا غيرنا من مناعة القطيع إلى المناعة المجتمعية (أسم أفضل شوية فنحن لسنا قطيعاً من الأغنام) ثم لقاح كذا يسبب جلطات دموية ولقاح كذا يسبب ضعف في عضلة القلب ، ولقاح كذا يسبب الوفاة وأعراض خطيرة لبعض الناس؟؟ من يقول التي تتناول حبوب منع الحمل وآخر يقول لديهم مشاكل صحية وووو بل أن نسبة 70% من المصابين بالمتحور دلتا الجديد ممن أخذ الجرعتين! سبحانك ربي أقوال كثيرة لأننا مازلنا في التجارب بعد عامين من المرض (سبحانك ربي) فيرس لا يرى بالعين المجردة مصنوع من الأنسان وتم تسريبه؟ كما يقال (وعندي لا فرق كلاهما بأقدار الله)لا يعرف الأنسان أن يعالجه!!! ليس مهرب وإنما من الخفافيش!!! أيضاً سبحانك ربي ماذا فعل بالعالم العبقري الذي طلع القمر ويستكشف الكواكب حولنا وأخر ما وصلت اليه التكنولوجيا والتنصت والأختراق وحروب الكترونية ووو ولا يمكنه فعل شئ .بالتأكيد أنا لست متخصص وإنما قارئ 
 وأكتب غالباً لنفسي لأسجل بعض ما يدور في خلدي عن هذا الأمر 

سبحان الله العظيم  سبحان ربي العظيم الوهاب سبحان ربي الأعلى الوهاب

 NOTICE: CDC now recommends that people whose immune systems are compromised moderately to severely should receive an additional dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after the initial 2 doses.

 Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic. Read CDC’s statement.

 What You Need to Know

 People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 because they are more at risk of serious, prolonged illness. People who have compromised immune systems may benefit from an additional dose to make sure they have enough protection against COVID-19. CDC recommends people who are moderately to severely immunocompromised should receive an additional dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine after the initial 2 doses. CDC recommends that people with moderately to severely compromised immune systems receive an additional dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at least 28 days after a second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. CDC does not recommend additional doses or booster shots for any other population at this time. Data on Decreased Immune Response Among Immunocompromised People People who are moderately to severely immunocompromised make up about 3% of the adult population and are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 because they are more at risk of serious, prolonged illness. Studies indicate some immunocompromised people don’t always build the same level of immunity after vaccination the way non-immunocompromised people do, and may benefit from an additional dose to ensure adequate protection against COVID-19. In small studies pdf icon[2 MB, 36 Pages], fully vaccinated immunocompromised people have accounted for a large proportion of hospitalized “breakthrough cases,” and that suggests immunocompromised people are more likely to transmit the virus to household contacts.

 Who Needs an Additional COVID-19 Vaccine? 

Currently, CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose. This includes people who have: 

* Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood 

* Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system 

* Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system

 * Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)

 * Advanced or untreated HIV infection Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response

Friday, August 13, 2021

Friday, July 30, 2021

كما أشرت من قبل من موقع مراكز التحكم والوقاية من الأمراض أنهم لم يتأكدوا من مدة فاعلية التطعيم ( الآن فايزر تقر بعد 4 أو 6 شهور تقل المناعة لمن تعاطوا الجرعتين!!) وقد يحتاج إلى جرعة تنشيطية لم يقر بعد

The effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot can drop to 83.7% within four to six months after getting the second dose of its vaccine. This is the latest indication that vaccine-induced immunity to the virus can wane and some kind of boost may be necessary in the future.

New research published Wednesday as a preprint indicates that the Pfizer Inc. PFE, 0.35% shot provides 96.2% protection for the first two months, 90.1% effectiveness between the second and fourth months, and between 83.7% of protection for the fourth, fifth, and six months. 

“We will need a booster eight to 12 months from the second dose,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said Wednesday, according to a FactSet transcript of the company’s second-quarter earnings call. 

The drug maker has been making the case for booster shots, citing limited data from its own clinical research and real-world data out of Israel, where Pfizer’s vaccine is the predominant shot in circulation. 

“We do see—after six to eight months—more rapid waning concerning infections and mild to moderate symptoms,” Dr. Mikhail Dolsten, Pfizer’s chief scientific officer, said during the call. “Those are likely entirely, or to a large degree, dependent on antibodies and the drop in titer that we alluded to. If you raise it, you may have a good probability to reverse that waning.”

Still, there’s no simple black-and-white answer to whether booster shots are needed at this time. 

One, there is no definitive data. The new Pfizer data is the most detailed so far, though the company plans to submit clinical data for a third dose to the Food and Drug Administration in early August.

When speaking to investors this week, company officials attributed waning immunity levels in Israel to the much earlier vaccination campaign that rolled out in that country. (In fact, Israel announced Thursday that a third dose will now be available to people who are at least 60.) Pfizer also mentioned that there will be data in a few months coming out of the U.K., where doses were sometimes spaced out, that indicates “long-lasting protection.”

In addition, we still don’t know which people will need to boost their protection levels. Will the entire vaccinated population need a boost? What if third shots are only necessary for the elderly or people who are immunocompromised? What diagnostic test can be used to assess titer levels before giving a booster? How soon does this all need to happen? 

“While I cannot predict with certainty the future, I would not be surprised if, similar to flu, that we would need…to boost our vaccine against COVID,” Dolsten said. “Whether this will be on an annual [basis] or based on simple diagnostics that allow it to be boosted at the right time before your risk for infection is high, we need to monitor.” 

Either way, it’s a boon for Pfizer, as the legacy drug maker shifts into its new role as a vaccine leader.

Pfizer is expected to generate $33.5 billion in COVID-19 vaccine revenue this year, and Wall Street analysts have already baked boosters into their financial models for Pfizer and BioNTech SE BNTX, 1.79%, which developed the vaccine with Pfizer. 

“The largest remaining uncertainty is whether this third boost is simply the third dose in a three-vaccine schedule to achieve lasting, broad protection or is the first of a periodic (annual) boosted vaccine,” SVB Leerink analysts told investors on Thursday. 

Moderna Inc. MRNA, 2.87%, which developed the other FDA-authorized mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine, is also testing booster shots in clinical trials. It has been much quieter in its communication around a third shot. The company is scheduled to share second-quarter earnings on Aug. 5.

Pfizer’s stock is up 16.3% so far this year, while the broader S&P 500 SPX, -0.49% has gained 17.1%.

المصدر : https://www.marketwatch.com/story/pfizer-says-immunity-drops-to-83-within-six-months-in-people-who-got-its-covid-19-shot-further-bolstering-the-company-case-for-a-booster-11627579817?siteid=yhoof2 

Monday, July 26, 2021

القصيدة النونية المؤلف: لعله أبو عبد الله محمد بن صالح القحطاني، المعافري الأندلسي المالكي

يا منزل الآيات والفرقان ... بيني وبينك حرمة القرآن

اشرح به صدري لمعرفة الهدى ... واعصم به قلبي من الشيطان

يسر به أمري وأقض مآربي ... وأجر به جسدي من النيران

واحطط به وزري وأخلص نيتي ... واشدد به أزري وأصلح شأني

واكشف به ضري وحقق توبتي ... واربح به بيعي بلا خسراني

طهر به قلبي وصف سريرتي ... أجمل به ذكري واعل مكاني

واقطع به طمعي وشرف همتي ... كثر به ورعي واحي جناني

أسهر به ليلي وأظم جوارحي ... أسبل بفيض دموعها أجفاني

أمزجه يا رب بلحمي مع دمي ... واغسل به قلبي من الأضغاني

أنت الذي صورتني وخلقتني ... وهديتني لشرائع الإيمان

أنت الذي علمتني ورحمتني ... وجعلت صدري واعي القرآن

أنت الذي أطعمتني وسقيتني ... من غير كسب يد ولا دكان

وجبرتني وسترتني ونصرتني ... وغمرتني بالفضل والإحسان

أنت الذي آويتني وحبوتني ... وهديتني من حيرة الخذلان

وزرعت لي بين القلوب مودة ... والعطف منك برحمة وحنان

ونشرت لي في العالمين محاسنا ... وسترت عن أبصارهم عصياني

وجعلت ذكري في البرية شائعا ... حتى جعلت جميعهم إخواني

والله لو علموا قبيح سريرتي ... لأبى السلام علي من يلقاني

ولأعرضوا عني وملوا صحبتي ... ولبؤت بعد كرامة بهوان

لكن سترت معايبي ومثالبي ... وحلمت عن سقطي وعن طغياني

فلك المحامد والمدائح كلها ... بخواطري وجوارحي ولساني

ولقد مننت علي رب بأنعم ... مالي بشكر أقلهن يدان

فوحق حكمتك التي آتيتني ... حتى شددت بنورها برهاني

لئن اجتبتني من رضاك معونة ... حتى تقوي أيدها إيماني

لأسبحنك بكرة وعشية ... ولتخدمنك في الدجى أركاني

ولأذكرنك قائما أو قاعدا ... ولأشكرنك سائر الأحيان

ولأكتمن عن البرية خلتي ... ولاشكون إليك جهد زماني

ولأقصدنك في جميع حوائجي ... من دون قصد فلانة وفلان

ولأحسمن عن الأنام مطامعي ... بحسام يأس لم تشبه بناني 

ولأجعلن رضاك أكبر همتي ... ولأضربن من الهوى شيطاني

ولأكسون عيوب نفسي بالتقى ... ولأقبضن عن الفجور عناني

ولأمنعن النفس عن شهواتها ... ولأجعلن الزهد من أعواني

ولأتلون حروف وحيك في الدجى ... ولأحرقن بنوره شيطاني

Saturday, July 24, 2021

من روائع أبو العتاهية

يا نَفسُ قَد أَزِفَ الرَحيلُ
وَأَظَلَّكِ الخَطبُ الجَليلُ
فَتَأَهَّبي يا نَفسِ لا
يَلعَب بِكِ الأَمَلُ الطَويلُ
فَلَتَنزِلِنَّ بِمَنزِلٍ
يَنسى الخَليلَ بِهِ الخَليلُ
وَلَيَركَبَنَّ عَلَيكِ في
هِ مِنَ الثَرى ثِقلٌ ثَقيلُ
قُرِنَ الفَناءُ بِنا فَما
يَبقى العَزيزُ وَلا الذَليلُ
لا تَعمُرِ الدُنيا فَلَي
سَ إِلى البَقاءِ بِها سَبيلُ
يا صاحِبَ الدُنيا أَبِالدُ
نيا تُدِلُّ وَتَستَطيلُ
كُلٌّ يُفارِقُ روحَهُ
وَبِصَدرِهِ مِنها غَليلُ
عَمّا قَليلٍ يا أَخا الشَهَو
اتِ أَنتَ لَها قَتيلُ
فَإِذا اِقتَضاكَ المَوتُ نَفسَ
كَ كُنتَ مِمَّن لايُحيلُ
فَهُناكَ مالَكَ ثَمَّ إِل
لا فِعلُكَ الحَسَنُ الجَميلُ
إِنّي أُعيذُكَ أَن يَمي
لَ بِكَ الهَوى فيمَن يَميلُ
وَالمَوتُ آخِرُ عِلَّةٍ
يَعتَلُّها البَدَنُ العَليلُ
لِدِفاعِ دائِرَةِ الرَدى
يَتَضايَقُ الرَأيُ الأَصيلُ
فَلَرُبَّما عَثَرَ الجَوا
دُ وَرُبَّما حارَ الدَليلُ
وَلَرُبَّ جيلٍ قَد مَضى
يَتلوهُ بَعدَ الجيلِ جيلُ
وَلَرُبَّ باكِيَةٍ عَلَيَّ
غَنائُها عَنّي قَليلُ

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Heart rate from express.co.uk

Resting heart rate chart by age:

HEART RATE is a crucial indicator of how our hearts are working. So what should your resting heart rate be and how can you check it?

Our heart has a big role to play in the day-to-day functioning of our bodies, as it is responsible for pumping blood and oxygen. When looking after our cardiovascular health, it is important to pay attention to our heart rate. Resting heart rate is the number of times the heart beats each minute when someone isn't active. It is easy to work out what your resting heart rate is, so read on to find out more.

What should resting heart rate be?

Most adults have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100bpm, according to the NHS.

However, the fitter someone is, the lower their resting heart rate is likely to be.

The NHS website adds: "See a GP to get checked if you think your heart rate is continuously above 120bpm or below 40bpm, although it may simply be that this is normal for you."

Normal resting heart rates differ for children and are as follows, according to Medical News Today:

· Up to 1 month - 70 to 190 beats per minute (bpm)

· From 1 to 11 months - 80 to 160 bpm

· From 1 to 2 years - 80 to 130 bpm

· From 3 to 4 years - 80 to 120 bpm

· From 5 to 6 years - 75 to 115 bpm

· From 7 to 9 years - 70 to 110 bpm

· Over 10 years - 60 to 100 bpm

How can you check your resting heart rate?

Resting heart rate is measured by counting the number of times the heart beats while sitting still. To check your resting heart rate, you can use a heart rate monitor or alternatively check your pulse. To do this, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) explains you can put one of our hands out so you are looking at your palm. Place the pads of your first two fingers of the other hand on the inside of the wrist, at the base of the thumb, and press lightly.

If you can't feel your pulse, press slightly harder and check for about 30 seconds to see if it feels regular or not.

Count the number of beats after 60 seconds, or count the beats for six seconds and multiply by 10, to find out your resting heart rate in beats per minute (bpm).

The BHF explains that if your pulse feels irregular, check it for the full 60 seconds.

An irregular heart rhythm or pulse or any other concerns should be checked with a doctor, to check whether it is indicative of a health problem like arrhythmia.

What should your target heart rate be by age?

In general, maximum heart rate depends on age and one way to work it out is to take your age away from 220.

Target heart rate is usually between 50 and 70 percent of someone's maximum heart rate for moderate exercise intensity.

In general, the BHF says people should aim to exercise with their heart rate between these two figures.

But everyone's circumstances are different and for anyone with a heart condition it is important to check with a doctor before doing any new exercises.

Here is a chart of target heart rates based on age, as per the American Heart Association:

Age: 20 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 100-170 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 200 bpm

Age: 30 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 95-162 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 190 bpm

Age: 35 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 93-157 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 185 bpm

Age: 40 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 90-153 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 180 bpm

Age: 45 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 88-149 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 175 bpm

Age: 50 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 85-145 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 170 bpm

Age: 55 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 83-140 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 165 bpm

Age: 60 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 80-136 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 160 bpm

Age: 65 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 78-132 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 155 bpm

Age: 70 years
Target HR Zone 50-85%: 75-128 bpm
Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%: 150 bpm

Blood pressure from express.co.uk

Blood pressure chart: What is a healthy range? 8 signs your blood pressure is too high

BLOOD PRESSURE measures the force that your heart uses to pump blood around the body, but can be dangerous if gets too high or drops too low. So, what is a healthy blood pressure range?

Blood pressure, when too high, is often related to unhealthy lifestyle habits like drinking too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating unhealthy foods, being overweight and not doing enough physical exercise. When it’s left untreated, high blood pressure can seriously drive up your risk of developing numerous long-term health conditions, like coronary heart disease and kidney disease. Low blood pressure is much less common, and is sometimes brought on by medicinal side effects.

What is a healthy blood pressure range?

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood within the human arteries and is produced primarily by the heart muscles contracting.

Blood pressure is measured using two recorded numbers.

The first looks at systolic pressure and is measured after the heart contracts at its highest level.

The second, called diastolic pressure, is measured before the heart contracts at its lowest, while blood pressure elevation is referred to as hypertension.

Blood pressure can be categorised into five different kinds in an effort to distinguish what’s high.

Normal blood pressure below 120/80 mm Hg is considered to be a healthy level all around.

Elevated blood pressure readings consistently range from 120 to 129 systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic.

People with elevated blood pressure are at risk of developing high blood pressure unless adequate steps are taken to control it.

Hypertension stage one: At this stage of blood pressure elevation, readings consistently range from 130 to 139 systolic or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic.

Doctors at this point could prescribe blood pressure medications and some lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes.

Hypertension stage two: During this level, blood pressure readings range consistently from 140/90 mm Hg or higher.

When patients have reached this point of hypertension, medics are very likely to intervene with a combination of medicine and lifestyle changes.

Hypertensive crisis: This is the most critical point blood pressure can reach, and requires urgent medical attention as soon as possible.

When pressure reaches this level, it suddenly exceeds 180/120 mm Hg.

If you have any of the following symptoms, contact an ambulance immediately:

· Shortness of breath

· Chest pain

· Back pain

· Numbness and/or weakness

· Changes in vision

· Difficulty speaking

Eight signs your blood pressure is too high

Hypertension can be terrifying because many people who get it won’t experience any symptoms.

In some cases, it may take years or decades for the condition to reach levels high enough that symptoms become obvious.

Even then, it’s easy to attribute the symptoms to other health ailments, but acting for a symptom of high blood pressure can be fatal so be extra wary if you think you could be affected.

The best way to know if you have hypertension or your blood pressure is too high is to have regular readings, but signs to look out for include:

· Headaches

· Shortness of breath

· Nosebleeds

· Flushing

· Dizziness and nausea

· Chest pains

· Visual changes

· Bleeding in the urine

Friday, June 25, 2021

Booster shots هل سيحتاج الناس إلى جرعة ثالثة؟ الآن يبحثوا الجرعة الثالثة للعاملين بالمجال الطبي وكبار السن!

 حيث أنهم لا يعلمو مدى تحصين اللقاح لإخذه والمدة التي ينتهي فيها التأثير ويعود الشخص عرضة للمرض مره أخرى أو يبدأ في أخذ جرعات من اللقاح جديدة! لتأمين دوام الوقاية تماماً مثل لقاحات الأنفلونزا هنا يتكلموا عن الجرعة الثالثة أو المنشطة !! كذلك سيتم الأعتراف قريباً بأن لقاحات فايزر وموديرنا تسبب في بعض الأشخاص أعراض قد تكون مميتة في عضلة القلب

Booster shots may NOT be needed this autumn but the elderly and NHS will be first in line if they are, claims one of No10's top vaccine advisers 

Booster Covid vaccines may not be needed this autumn, one of the Government's top experts claimed today.

Professor Adam Finn, from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) - which advises No10, insisted top-up jabs may well be required for the very elderly and NHS workers.

But he admitted there was still a 'high level of uncertainty' over whether they would be necessary for millions of other Brits.

Scientists had expected the protection given by vaccines to begin to wear off over time but they don't yet know how long immunity from Covid jabs lasts for.

Influenza vaccines are needed every winter because the virus is constantly evolving to beat the human immune system. 

Coronaviruses tend to mutate slower and academics have claimed they've yet to see any proof of waning immunity in vaccinated Britons.

Last month Matt Hancock announced at a Downing St press conference scientists were beginning trials of a third jab to check if it offers better protection.

Millions more vaccine doses than necessary have been bought by the Government and a giant order of 60million more Pfizer doses in April was earmarked for a top-up campaign in the autumn. 


British health chiefs could soon issue a warning that Pfizer and Moderna's Covid jabs are linked to heart issues in extremely rare cases, experts believe. 

Fears about the two jabs causing myocarditis have grown in recent weeks, following a string of cases in young adults and children in Israel and the US.

American regulators have already accepted there is a 'likely link' between the heart condition and the vaccines, and will add warnings about the potential complication on information sheets given to the public.

Israel's Health Ministry has said the Pfizer vaccine, the only jab it is using in its rollout, is the 'probable' cause in a tiny number of cases. 

Last week the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which polices the safety of drugs in the UK, said rates of myocarditis among vaccinated adults were 'similar or below' expected levels.

But last night, MailOnline can reveal the watchdog dropped all mention of how often the complication was occurring. Instead, it just updated its weekly summary to say cases were 'very rare' and 'typically mild'.

One cardiologist said he believed it the change in tone may signal that the body was going to accept a link between the two vaccines and myocarditis. 

Other experts warned it further complicated the debate about vaccinating children in Britain. 



Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle. There are no specific causes of the condition but it is usually triggered by a virus.

Some of the most common infections which cause myocarditis, are those called adenovirus and Coxsackie B.

It can be caused by the common cold, hepatitis B and C, and herpes simplex virus. 

The most common symptoms of the condition include chest pain, a fever, a fast heartbeat, tiredness and shortness of breath.

If the inflammation damages the heart muscle or the fibres that conduct electrical pulses to the heart, complications can develop.

They can develop quickly, and include sudden loss of consciousness, an abnormally fast, slow or irregular heartbeat.

In very severe cases the condition is fatal, causing heart failure or sudden death. The inflammation enlarges the heart and creates scar tissue, forcing it to work harder and therefore making it weaker.

In most cases of viral myocarditis, the illness goes away and there are no complications. 

But in rare cases when inflammation is severe, there can be damage to the heart which needs monitoring and possibly a heart transplant.

Myocarditis can reoccur, but there is no known way to prevent this. The risk of recurrence is low, around 10 to 15 per cent, according to Myocarditis Foundation.

It is difficult to gauge the prevalence of myocarditis because there is no widely available test for it.

In 2010, approximately 400,000 people died of heart muscle disease - cardiomyopathy that includes myocarditis - worldwide.

Expert consensus opinion estimates that up to 40 per cent of dilated cardiomyopathy results from myocarditis, according to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders.

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