مع قدوم فصل الخريف والشتاء يتسابق العالم في محاولات مواجهة الأنفلونزا الموسمية التي يؤخذ لها لقاح والجرعة المنشطة أو الثالثة
(وليست الأخيرة) لكوفيد 19 ونحن في الموجة (التحور الرابع مو)
اللافت للنظر أن الجميع يأخذ إسرائيل التي تعتبر من أفضل دول العالم في موضوع اللقاح للمواطنين نموذجا يحتذى به حيث التجارب والإرشادات والملاحظات تخرج منها أولاً بل أمريكا تأخذ بقولهم!! والله المستعان ، ثم الملاحظة الثانية أنه تم الأعتراف رسمياً بأن اللقاح تقل فاعليته وقد تنعدم بعد ستة أشهر ، الملاحظة الثالثة هي أن الجرعة الثالثة أو ما يسمى بالتنشيطية تأخذ بالإعتبار أخطاء ونتائج العامين الماضيين ، فالجميع يحاول أن تكون الجرعة من فايزر كاملة أو نصف جرعة من موديرنا (لأن الأعراض للنصف الجرعة أقل) والأبتعاد عن أن تكون الجرعة المنشطة من أسترازنكا والملاحظة الأخيرة هي الجميع يخزن الللقاحات طبعا الدول الغنية ولا يلتفت إلى الدول الفقيرة! والله المستعان كذلك لا كلام على لقاحات الصين وغيرها من اللقاحات التي تكاد تكون معروفة إلا في
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9988825/Booster-vaccines-50s.html بعض الدول العربية هذا من مقال في الديلي ميل البريطانية
Government's vaccine advisory panel has recommended third doses be dished out to some 30million people
Plans approved on the back of real-world data in Israel and elsewhere suggesting immunity wanes in months
Britons who are eligible will be given Pfizer's vaccine or a half-dose of the Moderna vaccine
The Government’s vaccine advisory panel recommended a third dose for roughly 30million people aged 50 and over who received their second injection at least six months ago.
Members of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) approved the plans on the back of growing real-world data in Israel and elsewhere, as well as a major British study, which suggested vaccine-induced immunity wanes within months.
Britons who are eligible will be given the Pfizer vaccine in the first instance, no matter which jab they were originally immunised with. When there are supply constraints, the Moderna vaccine will be offered as a booster in the form of a half dose.
Officials said there was more evidence that the mRNA vaccines were safe and effective when given as a third dose, which is why they are not recommending AstraZeneca's.
Moderna's is being recommended as a half dose because the lower dosage is associated with fewer side effects and still produces a strong immune response, the JCVI said.
People who are invited for their booster Covid vaccine will be able to get their flu jab at the same time, in the opposite arm.

Professor Wei Shen Lim, of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, said the recommendation of at least a six-month gap between the second jab and a booster shot was an attempt to find an immunity 'sweet spot'.
'We want to suggest a six-month limit as a lower limit because we don’t want people to feel they need to rush to have this booster dose,' he told a Downing Street press conference.
'Getting a booster dose too early might mean getting a dose when they don’t actually need to have vaccination because they still have a high level of protection.
'And, as we have seen with the first and second dose, it may be that a longer interval to the third booster dose may actually be beneficial in the longer term.
'On the other hand, we don’t want to wait too long before offering a booster dose, so trying to find a sweet spot between going too soon and going too late we are suggesting that the booster dose is given no earlier than six months after the second dose.'
Professor Lim said it was preferable for people to get an mRNA vaccine as a booster — such as those made by Pfizer and Moderna — because there was more evidence compared to the AstraZeneca jabs that these are safe and effective.
He told the briefing: 'The AstraZeneca vaccine obviously is a very good vaccine for its primary cause.
'We’ve seen data that suggests that the mRNA vaccines given, whatever the primary cause for the vaccination is, gives a very good boost.
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